As you begin this New Year, you may have the opportunity to begin a new position as well. How exciting and yet scary! So where do you begin in order to make this opportunity one that helps you grow and enables you to make a positive contribution?new job

  1. Assuming that you have selected a progressive organization which encourages employees to tap into their creativity and maximize their talents to benefit the organization, this will provide you even more growth potential. It is when working for stagnant and backward companies that stifle and discourage the abilities of employees and their enthusiasm. A good and proactive employer is a treasure.
  2. Get a clear understanding of what is “expected” of you – get specifics. If there is any confusion or differences of opinions, clear that up immediately with your employer. You want this position to start off on a solid foundation.
  3. Before doing anything, research past challenges of the company, what worked and what didn’t work in order to avoid wasted efforts.
  4. From your research develop a plan for how you can contribute fresh efforts that would benefit the organization. Include a time line and who and what would be needed to implement this effort. A good plan ensures positive results.
  5. Check with those people with whom you have more contact or your “teammates” and confirm if there are ways to combine efforts or gather ideas that could benefit all, as well as the company. Teamwork creates successful organizations.
  6. Make sure to have a list of good resources that could be very helpful when running into snags, etc. Have the list close by and accurate contact names and phone and/or email addresses. Credible resources can turn chaos into a banner campaign.
  7. Any opportunity to receive additional career development and/or training should be accepted with enthusiasm and respect. For employers to provide training and/or coaching, it is a wonderful sign that you are valued.
  8. Though obvious, it is a MUST to demonstrate dependability and mutual respect to co-workers and employer. Companies like to know who appreciates their work opportunities and are responsible employees. This assures employers that they have hired good people.
    Always give your best, be honest and respectful, as well as pleasant. These are the qualities all employers seek and value. Demonstrating these traits will place you in high regard.
    Are you starting a new role? OI Global Partners can help you acclimate well. Contact us today!

Robyn Crigger is managing partner, OI Global Partners – Compass Career Management Solutions in Charlotte, NC.


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