Many historians have credited George Washington, when he was commissioned to command the Virginia Army, for being the first officer to instill military discipline to the colonial troops. In a letter to the Captains of the Virginia Regiments […]
Recruiters are increasingly embracing social media as a key component of their talent acquisition process. A 2011 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) poll estimates that 56% of recruiters use social media as a recruiting tool; whereas, a […]
You have been trying to sell the benefits of social media to your company’s executive team only to be met with questions like “LinkedIn, why?” “Tweet, what?” “Facebook, really?” Sound a little too familiar? Feel like are fighting […]
Is your organization hemorrhaging employees? OI Partners recent survey reported that 90% of companies are worried about losing key employees. In 2009, it was reported that employee turnover cost U.S. businesses an estimated $300 billion. This includes, but […]
In a world of LinkedIn and other social media sites as well as personal web pages, what role do traditional resumes and cover letters now play? The answer to that question is complex. While it is true that […]
Two years ago, I had my hands tied behind my back telling the world, “I will not engage in this silly online networking.” Now, I have come to realize how important social media is in this changing world […]