
(September 5, 2018)  OI Global Partners, a leading human resources consulting firm that provides career transition, executive coaching, leadership consulting and recruitment services, has released the results of a proprietary survey of global leaders from the 28 countries in which OIGP operates. Talent managers representing over 1,000 organizations — more than double last year’s response rate — were from a range of industries led by Financial Services and Technology followed by Manufacturing, Nonprofits, Hospitals & Healthcare, and Education.

The goals of the survey were to understand the following:

  1. the skills employees must have to be competitive today;
  2. the most significant people challenges currently facing organizations;
  3. the most effective ways to develop talent; and
  4. the roles most at risk.

“Thanks to our clients across the globe for participating in this third annual effort to gain insight into the future of work,” said Steve Ford, Chair of OI Global Partners. “Once again, the results are fascinating. In every part of the world, organizations share common challenges and risks and they have found a variety of solutions to manage the evolving work landscape.”

Among the key findings of the survey, respondents indicated that the top two skills employees must have to be competitive are: 1) leadership agility: the ability to take effective action in complex, rapidly-changing conditions; and 2) coordinating with others: the ability to collaborate, especially in changing environments. By comparison, in 2017, communication ability topped the list of skills most in demand.

Recruitment is the most critical concern of talent managers today with most of them saying that attracting and hiring new talent is their biggest challenge. “OIGP’s recruitment and staffing sectors reflect high demand in most of our markets,” noted Mr. Ford, “consistent with these survey results.”

Half of talent managers say that adapting to change significantly challenges their organizations, making it the second most frequently indicated human resources issue after recruitment, followed by managers lacking coaching skills. Once on board, retaining and engaging employees become paramount.

“The same five people challenges have occupied the attention of organizations each year we have conducted this survey; they have just traded places,” commented Mr. Ford.

The roles most at risk are: 1) administrative, secretarial, clerical, reception and support staff, in keeping with 2017’s results; 2) finance and accounting roles, which moved up dramatically in the ranking; and 3) managerial roles, especially middle management.

“These survey results underscore the observation that what we do is in high demand,” Mr. Ford continued. “Whether you need assistance to bring new talent on board, coach them to improve performance and retention, or transition employees out of your organization, our HR consulting services will extend and enhance your brand.”

The full set of survey results can be downloaded here.

About OI Global Partners
OI Global Partners is a leading human resources consulting firm that helps organizations manage their talent and individuals manage their careers. We are local experts with global perspective. More than 1,000 consultants strong with 225 offices in 28 countries, our reach assures customers a broad suite of talent management services and a deep base of experienced consultants. For more information, please visit or contact S. Thomas Wharton at or 401.884.7959.

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