Even though reported unemployment rates are shrinking, companies across the globe continue to lay off and shed jobs. Many times, we see companies make critical mistakes when reducing headcount. These kinds of mistakes can be damaging, severely hurting […]
August 22nd, 2013 – Employers who are planning cutbacks but have been unable to afford career counseling for their laid-off employees now have two new cost-effective outplacement programs available from OI Partners designed to give displaced workers a […]
I have a theory that we could get more done if we weren’t carrying forward so much of our past into each day. What issues, concerns and thoughts do you (or others) carry into work? Most of our […]
I know you’ve heard it: Resumes are your first impression when applying for a job. And even if it isn’t your first impression, it’s an important marketing tool when applying for a position. Job seekers spend hours reading, […]
In his book What Color Is Your Parachute, Richard Bolles stresses the importance of the first two minutes in an interview. In that first few minutes, it is critical to initially build trust with the person interviewing you. […]
What would it be worth to kick start your job search by increasing your job opportunities and decreasing the time spent on your search? What if you didn’t need to pay anything to get these results? We all […]
July 17, 2013 – Even with hiring up over last year, the number of new full-time jobs being created continues to lag behind. Getting hired full-time may increasingly be turning into a two-step process: Get on board first […]
According to a recent survey conducted by OI Partners, it costs two times a manager’s salary and two and a half times an executive’s salary to replace one who leaves. Let’s extrapolate a bit from the data and […]
These days, a former employee has multiple outlets to express their dissatisfaction with a company after a layoff. Glassdoor.com is an example of where unhappy former employees can voice complaints about the way their layoff was handled. New […]
For the past several years, I have coordinated monthly job networking meetings in my community. In the meetings, participants want to know different techniques and tools they can use to “give them an edge” in finding positions. Here […]