
Imagine the moment you find yourself sitting in your office chair engaging in conversation with your manager, and suddenly all you hear are the words, “We have to let you go.”

Each individual receives the news of their separation differently. Some are overcome by fear and anxiety and they become frozen. Some immediately think about how they will tell their children or their parents. Some see their job loss as a great relief. Some envision themselves living on the street. Some approach their search like a big jigsaw puzzle with a thousand pieces all over the floor. Some feel lost. Some feel grief and an overwhelming sense of loss. And a very few are thrilled to make a new start.

This blog post outlines the importance of identifying the fears you have of being unemployed, and the expectations that you have for your next career opportunity.

We look at every job search as an opportunity for positive change. Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.” If you have been doing the same job over and over and you need a change, view your layoff as a new start — an opportunity to take the expectations you’ve set and really be selective in the job search. Now is the time to identify the wants and needs that will contribute to your overall happiness and well-being in life and the workplace. What do you need that might have been missing in your previous job, that could propel you further in your next position? This article offers 7 tips for creating your own definition of career well-being.

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