Dear Colleague,
Human Resources professionals, like many others in the workforce today, are facing a wide range of challenges. Based on conversations with our clients, we hear a lot of frustration about employee engagement – or the lack of it – within their companies. In fact, according to Gallup Research, employee engagement has been hovering around 32% since August 2015. In other words, a majority of the U.S. workforce is not engaged. While this is sobering, it is better than the worldwide average of 13%.
We know that employee engagement is critical to an organization’s success. It influences absenteeism, customer satisfaction, productivity, and turnover. The goal is to attract, hire and retain people who are committed to their work. If they are, then they will invest their time, attention and energy in helping the organization succeed.
While this issue may be challenging, it is not impossible to overcome. It takes commitment, investment and follow through on a consistent basis. We work with organizations in the U.S. and across the globe who understand the value and benefit of investing in their people. We have also written a number of articles on the subject such as:
Do Your Employees (heart) their Jobs?
Building Trust Through Mutual Respect
5 Ways to Improve Workplace Communication
Integrating the Millennial Generation
I Love My Millennials But Where are My Gen Xers?
We’d love to hear from you. Please connect with us on our social media channels, and let us know what you think. Thank you!
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