As an exiting employee, you have a lot to think about. Whether you knew this change was coming, or if it was a surprise, it is undoubtedly a difficult time in your life. If you are lucky, you were offered outplacement services as a part of your outplacement program.

career-satisfactionAccording to a recent OI Partners survey of outplacement candidates that the firm has assisted during the past two years, results show that only 12% of terminated workers rated their job-search skills as “excellent” or “very good” before receiving outplacement. This compares with 78% who ranked their abilities that way afterward—an increase of 650%.

The services provided to you by a quality outplacement service are invaluable during this uncertain time in your life. If you have the choice in outplacement companies, do your homework!  Search for a company that allows you to work face-to-face with a dedicated executive coach and offers a wide range of services and tools. A quality executive coaching program will help you provide answers to the following questions about your career and personal life after outplacement:

  • Do you want to continue to work?  Or are you at the point in your life where you are ready to retire and can afford it?
  • Do you want to continue your career in the industry in which you are currently working?  Or is it time to make the change that you’ve been dreaming of?
  • Do you have a strategy for finding your next job opportunity?  An outline, a business plan, anything that will help organize your thoughts and goals in the coming months.

A high-quality executive coaching program will help you to answer each of these questions through guidance and the use of tools, such as assessments, reading materials, etc. They will help you examine each facet of your decision and consider all of your options before you make a hasty decision. But, most importantly, a good outplacement program will provide you with a career coach who will be a constant for you during this constantly changing period in your life.


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