
Congratulations! You applied for a job online and you’ve just received a phone call inviting you in for an interview with the hiring manager. That’s a big hurdle. Now you can walk into that interview and do what you do best — talk about yourself! If only it were that simple, right?

Tips for your next job interview

Making it to the interview with a decision-maker is a great step forward, but first you must prepare by spending a significant amount of time learning about the interviewer, the organization, and the industry or environment in which it operates. Some of this research can be done online (secondary research); some of it is more effectively done by talking to people (primary research). This Glassdoor article will expand your understanding of what to research before a job interview.

Having done the research, recognize that your objective in an interview isn’t to show off your knowledge of the organization by regurgitating what you learned. Rather, your objective is to have a richer and more meaningful conversation with the interviewer that will get you to the next step in the hiring process. Perhaps the most important reason to conduct research is to aid you in deciding which of your accomplishments you decide to talk about and how you talk about them. The interview shouldn’t be an interrogation. It isn’t just an opportunity for the interviewer to get to know you, but also for you to get a better feel for the problems you could solve, the company culture, and whether or not you think it’s the right fit.

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